University and just-for-fun projects
Here I'd like to list a few of my personal and university projects. Some of them I've created for fun, others were part of my studying. Working on a side project is a great way for me to get hands-on new technologies.
1. Boost

Clone of the Boost2 game that I and Petro created at the RWTH Aachen university within a computer graphics course. We used WebGL and Three.js to build this game. It took us around 1 month in Jan 2014 to create it.
You can play online or check out the source code on GitHub.
2. Hotkey Ninja

Another project for RWTH Aachen University that I've created together with Momchil and Petro in Jan 2015. Hotkey ninja is a fun way to learn keyboard commands. In this game, each player sees a bubble that shows action and in order to hit the opponent, a player has to press the appropriate keyboard command. On the screenshot, we are practicing "Notepad++" text editor and I received the "Redo" command, as soon as I press "ctrl+y" my fighter hits the opponent. If a player uses a wrong keyboard command then the app shows the correct answer.
Check out this video that shows how it works. We used Node.Js, MongoDB, Socket.IO, and WebRTC to build this project, it's not available online but you can check the source code on GitHub.
3. FootPrint

This is my master thesis project. I've used heatmaps to expand the capabilities of a standard video player and PDF viewer to show the most viewed/read parts of any learning material. The main goal is to increase the speed of searching for relevant information and at the same time increase the involvement in learning processes.
I was working on it from June to November 2015. Check out the source code on GitHub.
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